Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Regalia Duty

The most tiring duty so far, I am one of the volunteer to help on Regalia duty for 3 days straight. The reason? My timetable is very free on Thursday and Friday, so they just put me on all 3 days (plus Saturday). In short, our jobs is to assist UniLife staff, collection of robes from graduates and get back from them later on.

1st day : Regalia collection from Academic (lecturers) and Diploma Students
2nd day : Regalia collection from Degree/Master and PhD students
3rd day : Official day for graduation. Robbing and regalia return.

3rd day was one of the most tiring day, as i had to work for 8a.m-8p.m, only i realize that morning session doesn't need much human resource, but i was asked to go early to help =(

 And there, Saturday while duty-ing, i snake-out (sneak out) and find Boon who is graduated from his Diploma. Met his friendly parents and took a few photos. Oh, by the way, Boon is my housemate.

I never regret for volunteering, some people might think "Why so stupid to go there suffer, making tired of yourself, and what you learn?" I'm proud to say, i get to know a lot new people (unilife staff, lecturers, graduates), know how to put on a robe, mortar board and sash, dealing with troublesome people, life as a workaholic.

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